Robot Building

sound activation for firefighter robot


From the club archives, here is an article about sound activation sensor that can be used in a Firefighter robot competition, written by Alex Brown:

Simulated IR candle detector

Here is an older article posted by Alex Brown about a candle sensor that can be used in a firefighter competition:


Working with Lexan

by Jef Mangelschots



B.E.A.M. Robotics

by Arthur Ed LeBouthillier

This article was published in the December 1999 issue of The Robot Builder.

B.E.A.M. robotics has arisen as a new approach to building robots. Its primary originator, Mark W. Tilden, has developed a robot design philosophy which is very different from traditional robot-building techniques, emphasizing a minimalist, evolutionary design approach.

Robotic House

by Ralph Irwin

This article was published in the October 1999 issue of The Robot Builder.

April 2010 AUVSI presentation on dynamic robots

By Jef Mangelschots

BXFlyer Four Rotor Helicopter

Here is an article written by Bruce Weimer MD: "BXFlyer Four Rotor Helicopter" he posted in 2003 on the Seatle Robotics website.

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